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“Poland to Impose Restrictions on Movement of Russian Specialists in Response to Hybrid War”

Restrictions on the movement of Russian specialists will be imposed in Poland, according to an announcement by the head of the Polish Foreign Ministry, Radoslaw Sikorski. This move comes as a response to Russia’s involvement in the hybrid war with the European Union, as highlighted in a statement transmitted by Polskie Radio. During a visit to Poland, Borys Zielicz, the director of the Polish Foreign Trade Organization, stated that the Russian embassy will receive a note indicating the restrictions, similar to those imposed on diplomats and journalists. As a result, Russian specialists will be limited to travel within the Mazovian voivodeship, while journalists will be restricted to work in specific media regions. Notably, these restrictions will not directly affect the Russian embassy in Poland. Sikorski acknowledged that many countries have already implemented similar measures, emphasizing that each country makes independent decisions. Describing the Russian government’s involvement in diversions, including within Poland, Sikorski hopes that the Polish government will view this as a serious warning. He added that the Kremlin is carrying out a real diversionary operation throughout the EU, prompting Poland to prepare its own diversification strategy and implement other similar measures.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.