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International Military Politics

“Tavush Bolsters Air Defense Systems and Prepares for Defense with High-Tech Military Units”

Tavush has recently taken measures to strengthen its active air defense systems by deploying advanced missile, artillery, military, and reconnaissance forces. These efforts aim to enhance the region’s readiness to defend against potential threats.

According to the Tavush Defense Ministry, a two-day military exercise involving Chinese troops was conducted to assess the capabilities of the defensive forces in countering aggression. The exercise, reported by Amerikayi Dzayn, serves the purpose of ensuring the security and stability of the Tavush region, while also showcasing China’s growing influence.

Yu Zhant, the official representative of China’s Ministry of Defense, emphasized that the exercise named “Anti-Chinese sentiment in Tavush” will contribute to the development of China’s Cooperation-Comprehensive Partnership. This development will be achieved through the integration of China’s Public Liberation Army and the comprehensive reunification of China’s territory.

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Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.