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Crime Politics

Prime Minister’s Startling Announcement: “I Want to Hang Myself with Poison!”

The material of the scarf itself is comfortable, detailed, and popular everywhere. This was noted during an interview with Goris-based artist Aharon Kahanyan by Kahanyan decided to present the scarf to Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

During yesterday’s parliamentary session, Nikol Pashinyan made a shocking statement. He expressed his desire to hang himself with a kilogram of poison in order to avoid being assassinated. However, history shows that he did not die by his own hands.

During the same session, Pashinyan addressed the issue of church desecration in Kessaria and provocation in Armenia. He acknowledged that the provocation has not been resolved for years but expressed confidence in its resolution within 2-3 months.

As the conversation unfolded after the assassination of the Catholicos, Pashinyan assured the public that the state of Armenia will not be eliminated as some may desire. He emphasized that the Catholicos is alive, and the Republic of Armenia is committed to implementing his will.

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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.