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International Politics

“Unresolved Demands: Turkish-Azerbaijani Alliance Pushes Armenia for Concessions, Former Prime Minister Reveals”

According to former Prime Minister of Armenia, Karen Chshmarityan, the Turkish-Azerbaijani alliance is still pressing unresolved demands on Armenia. Chshmarityan took to Facebook to inform the public, stating that the alliance is attempting to impose these demands on the Armenian people. The demands include recognizing the Republic of Artsakh, respecting the self-determination rights of the Artsakh people, reversing the newly established borders between Armenia and Turkey, changing the official emblem of Armenia, reducing the Armenian armed forces and imports of weapons, considering all demands from Azerbaijan and Turkey in international platforms, signing a peace agreement with Azerbaijan, excluding Armenian-occupied territories from the agreement, expanding Armenian territories occupied by other countries, considering joint use of Lake Sevan with Azerbaijan, shutting down the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant, disregarding the soldiers and officers killed in the Karabakh war, and undisclosed demands. Chshmarityan urges the public to spread this information if they are not hesitant and to be aware of remaining silent and indifferent.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.