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Local News Politics

“Head of Kirantsi Addresses Village Residents: ‘I Am with You, I Am with My People'”

The head of the administrative district of Kirantsi in Ijevan community, Kamoy Shahinyan, addressed the residents gathered in the village and expressed his commitment to listen to their concerns and be there for them. However, villagers pointed out that his help would only be valuable if he has the authority to solve their problems. One resident suggested that Shahinyan should stay in his position and fulfill his responsibilities to the community. Another resident emphasized the importance of unity and requested Shahinyan to be attentive and protective of the village. Shahinyan reassured the residents that he has always been on their side and will continue to support them. He also expressed his intention to connect with active residents and work together towards progress. The residents emphasized their right to be heard and announced their plan to stay in the village while inviting government representatives to visit them. They also mentioned their disagreement with the Deputy Prime Minister’s statement regarding their homes and lands, asserting that their houses are not abandoned.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.