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“European College Student Council Stands Firm on Tavush Belonging to the Fatherland: Reverend Father Galstanian Leads the Charge”

The Student Council of the European College of Armenia has issued a press release titled “Tavush belongs to the Fatherland”, which echoes the sentiments of its leader, Reverend Father Bagrat Arkhipiskopos Galstanian. The announcement was made on the official Facebook page “Tavush belongs to the Fatherland”.

In the press release, the Student Council expresses their strong belief that the region of Tavush is an integral part of the nation. They emphasize the importance of its historical and cultural significance, and call upon all citizens to unite in safeguarding its identity.

The Reverend Father Bagrat Arkhipiskopos Galstanian, who leads the Student Council, reinforces the message by emphasizing the unwavering commitment of the European College of Armenia to the defense of Tavush. He highlights the need to protect the region’s borders and maintain its territorial integrity.

The Student Council’s stance on Tavush is echoed on its official Facebook page “Tavush belongs to the Fatherland”. Through this platform, they aim to raise awareness and promote discussion about the region’s importance to the nation as a whole.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.