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“Armenia Invites the World to Celebrate and Explore Museums on International Museum Day 2024”

The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sport of Armenia is inviting everyone to celebrate and participate in the “Day of Museums” international event on May 18, 2024. On that day, all 118 participating museums will be open for free from 11:00 to 24:00.

Every year, during the International Museum Day, museums all over the world, including in Armenia, organize various events, exhibitions, and educational programs to promote the contribution of museums to society, culture, and research. This year, the main theme is the enhancement of education, collaborative research, the use of technology, and the preservation of cultural heritage.

In 2024, the International Museum Day will be marked with the Law on Museums, Education, and Research, which recognizes the role of museums as educational and research spaces. This is the first time the Law on Museums is included in the legislation of Armenia. The law highlights the mandatory role of museums in education and research.

Significant changes have been made in museum management, with the establishment of the “Development of Culture” organization to ensure the development of museum education and coordination of educational and research activities. Armenian museums organize a wide range of programs for different age and social groups. In 2023, the Ministry of Education and Science implemented over 1,250 educational programs attended by 30,600 visitors.

The “Night of Museums” program, involving 118 museums, will open its doors to the public on May 18, with artistic performances and cultural activities. Measures will be taken to protect cultural heritage and improve cultural events.

The International Museum Day was first declared in 1977 by the International Council of Museums (ICOM) to raise awareness of the important role and possibilities of museums in society and global peace. The “Night of Museums” program has been held in France since 2005 and was joined by Armenia in the same year.


Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.