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“Minister of Education Approves Implementation Schedule and Working Plan for State Final Assessments in Armenia”

The Minister of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of the Republic of Armenia has approved the schedule for implementing state final assessments and the working plan. This process includes the registration, organization, monitoring, evaluation, publication of results, and certification of assessments. As part of the new national standardization of general education, knowledge assessment is conducted in the 4th grade and final assessments are completed in the 9th and 12th grades. In the Tavush region schools, knowledge assessment has not been carried out in the 4th grade, and alternative methods have been used for the 9th and 12th grade assessments.

The method for conducting assessments, whether written or oral, has been clarified, along with mechanisms for evaluating and systematizing results. In the Tavush region, knowledge assessment is conducted for the subjects of “Armenian Language” and “Mathematics” in the 4th grade. For schools where the new national standardization is fully implemented in the first stage of education, student grades are based on the information system of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports.

Until the new national standardization is introduced, knowledge assessment in the 9th grade includes subjects such as “Armenian Language” (written test), “Literature” (oral), “Armenian History” (oral), “Mathematics” (written test), “Foreign Language” (written, depending on the student’s choice of language), “Natural Sciences” (written test, with a student’s choice of subject), and “Physical Education” (test). Russian language learners also take tests in “Russian Literature” (oral) and national minority school students have tests in their mother tongue and literature (oral).

With the introduction of the new national standardization, knowledge assessment in the 9th grade will include test work for subjects like “Physical Education” and “Foreign Language.” Additionally, state final assessments in subjects like “Armenian Language and Literature,” “Mathematics,” “Armenian History,” “Russian Language and Literature,” and “National Language and Literature” will be conducted in the 9th and 12th grades.

The assessment of the final project in the 9th grade takes place one month before the start of the second semester and is evaluated by a jury appointed by the Minister of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of the Republic of Armenia. The results of both the final project and state final project assessments are recorded on the student’s final certificate.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.