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Former Prime Minister David Harutyunyan Criticizes Democratization Process and Calls for Changes in Armenia

Former Prime Minister David Harutyunyan, a member of the Republican Party of Armenia, is currently publishing an announcement in the Republic’s press. In an interview with, he criticized the process of democratization, stating, “When it is said that we have withdrawn the latest Soviet borders as a basis, but you do not know why it is not taken as a basis at the time of the first deputy head of government Vladimi Mozyssan and the first deputy head of government of Azerbaijan’s signed decrees, implying that they are not valid. These procedures should pose the most obvious question, and those maps to which you refer, who has certified them? The second question is, the territory of the Republic of Armenia is defined by law, by legislation, where it is described and connected with the map of Armenia. According to our assumption, if we need to make changes related to our territory, it should be done compulsorily. Not only is such a step not taken, but these maps are discarded. Like any inexperienced, straightforward attempt to get out of the answer, I think it is unfortunate. Such an attempt to get out of the answer is unlikely. The problems are multiple. This unilateral action violates the daily routine, that is, it violates the law and unacceptable due to violations of international law,” said David Harutyunyan.

He noted that it is not appropriate to discuss foreign differences at the moment, but rather what is happening inside the country. “This administration can jeopardize daily life, show unpredictability, make an ambiguous answer to some extent), but the mistake made is unacceptable according to international standards,” said David Harutyunyan.

Let us note that starting from May 4, the convoy of the head of the theme Bagrat Arkepiskopskyan, who leads them from the village of Kirants of the Tavush province to the city of Tavush, has reached the capital today.

At 16:00 today, the participants of the convoy and its accompanying citizens will gather in the Republic’s announcement.

In addition to the participants from the Tavush region, citizens from other regions of Armenia, artists, and the released prisoners will also join the convoy. The participants are fulfilling the new citizens’ walk as intended.

“Tavush is the homeland of the Armenian people” has been announced by the Armenian Apostolic Church’s various themes, as well as the convoy. is on Telegram. NEWS from Armenia –

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.