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Human Rights

“Community Awakens: Tavush Protesters March to the Capital, Demanding Action from Authorities”

This community has gathered in the capital after walking all the way from Tavush. The leader of the “Tavush has a fatherland” movement, Bagrat Srapazan, expressed his concerns about the actions of the authorities. He criticized the authorities for doing whatever they wanted, even cutting trees for unnecessary reasons. Srapazan questioned what the authorities should do now that the community has come to the capital after their long journey from Tavush.

Srapazan also addressed the issue of the arrested citizens who were protesting with dissatisfaction. He argued that people should not be deprived of their freedom for their political views, as no country uses detention as a deterrent measure for such offenses.

During a rally today, Srapazan highlighted the importance of the people’s development. He questioned whether it was possible to take bright and beautiful individuals and subject them to a ruined condition. He criticized the closure of various goals during this time and expressed concern about the impact it will have on the people.

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Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.