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“Tsavush Belongs to the Armenian Nation: Leader of Unity Movement Marches Towards Yerevan”

Tsavushi theme leader Bagrat, the leader of the Serb Catholic Movement, is continuing his movement towards Yerevan today. The group, known as “Tsavush belongs to the Armenian nation,” led by Bagrat Serbazan, has been marching on foot from Semyon’s temple since the middle of May and is expected to reach Yerevan on June 9.

“The extraordinary course of these unity rallies has no end or limit. In the process of this unprecedented blood dialogue, we are faced with enormous, unimaginable bloodshed. This process must be stopped,” Serbazan announced before the rally.

Yesterday, he emphasized that this movement is a clear national, spiritual, and emotive movement of people who live in families, with no affiliation to any political or organizational coloration.

He further emphasized that this movement will involve both supporters and non-supporters, as well as intellectual, artistic, and cultural figures, and will include both domestic and foreign participants.

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