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“Russia Supplies Drones and Missile Systems to Armenia as Clashes Erupt in Ukraine: Casualties and Damaged Infrastructure Reported”

Russia has announced that it has supplied drones and four S-300 missile systems to its military base in Armenia. According to RBK-Ukraine, Russian forces deployed missile systems in the region of Donetsk, where clashes have been reported. There have been reports of casualties, damaged houses, and critical infrastructure. According to Lukashuk, the head of the Emergency Services Department, “5 military helicopters were destroyed by our forces. They were neutralized in the Pavlodar area.”

During the Russian offensive, houses were damaged and fires broke out. Russian forces also targeted the city of Nikopol, where critical infrastructure and the electrical grid were damaged. In the morning, Russian forces targeted the area of Myrnyi, where an oil refinery was hit. The region of Ukraine has also been impacted, with casualties reported, and a medical facility has been informed.

Meanwhile, in the territory of Ukraine, the Russian military base in Yerevan has been attacked by armed individuals, and four S-300 missile systems have been destroyed. The Armenian armed forces destroyed 13 drones and informed the ZLM. During the Russian offensive, gunfire has been heard in Kharkiv. There have been reports of casualties and damage to civilian infrastructure.

The situation is still ongoing, and there have been reports of casualties. News from Armenia –