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“May 3: International Biodiversity Day shines a spotlight on Armenia’s endangered Armenian Populus euphratica”

May 3 is International Biodiversity Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of preserving biodiversity, especially the unique habitat of the Armenian Populus euphratica. This announcement was made by the Mayor’s Office of Shchakat region, with the support of the WWF Armenia Branch of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

The Armenian Populus euphratica is a critically endangered species listed in both the Red Book of the Republic of Armenia (2010) and the Red List of the IUCN as a vulnerable species. Sadly, there are less than 10 individuals of this species remaining in Armenia.

The Armenian Populus euphratica is a fascinating creature. It is a nocturnal animal with an agile and slender body, measuring around 180-200 cm in length, and with a tail measuring 80-100 cm. A female of this species can sometimes weigh up to 90 kg. They have short and rounded ears, short and strong legs, and wide paws equipped with sharp claws for climbing trees. Although their sense of smell is relatively weak, they have excellent vision and hearing.

Furthermore, the Armenian Populus euphratica holds significant cultural symbolism in Armenia. This species often appears in ancient cave drawings and illustrations as a representation of wisdom and strength.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.