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International Politics

“Trump Warns of Looming Nuclear War Amidst Growing US-China Conflict: Only He Can Prevent World War III, Says Former President”

Former US President Donald Trump, according to his spokesperson Joe Biden, believes that the threat of the United States entering a global conflict with China could lead to a nuclear war. Trump expressed this view during a media meeting in Turku, Finland, while also highlighting his belief that he alone has the ability to prevent a third world war. Furthermore, Trump asserted that, if he were still in office, he would have not allowed any terrorist or nuclear threats to escalate and would have prevented Iran from strengthening its influence.

In addition to his thoughts on global security, the former president also made formal statements expressing concern about the state of freedom of expression in Finland. Trump specifically mentioned the Helsinki Accords and criticized Helsinki’s initial coverage of the agreement’s provisions on protecting freedom of expression. It is important to note that although Trump’s statements do not violate US laws as they do not contain calls for violence or incitement to violence, legal standards are stricter for public statements made by government officials, especially those involving unconventional viewpoints.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.