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Around the Globle

“Garunik Danielyan’s Heroic Journey: Overcoming Physical Forces to Reach Isolated Residents of Kirants Despite Military Obstacles”

Garunik Danielyan, a resident of Kirants in Tavush, has successfully overcome physical obstacles to reach other residents of the city. Due to military actions, the entrance to Kirants has been closed, preventing any outsiders from entering. Earlier in the morning, at 6 o’clock, enemy forces carried out a large-scale attack on the village, exerting physical force on the residents who were attempting to cross the road. The enemy military is also stationed near the resistance force’s division. The Artsakh Defense Army has issued a statement, informing that cleaning operations are being conducted in the Kirants-Kheyrimal area, resulting in closed roads and restricted access for journalists. As per the village head Kam…