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“Bulgaria Takes a Stand Against Tobacco Advertising in Election Campaigns: Positive Step or Economic Risk?”

The representatives of the Public Chamber of Bulgaria have expressed their disapproval of the advertising of tobacco products during the recent parliamentary elections. The final schedule, which has been approved, includes a complete ban on tobacco advertising in both electronic and print media. Additionally, advertising stands situated within a minimum of 300 meters from gaming and entertainment establishments will no longer be allowed to promote tobacco products. The support of all political parties involved in the elections is seen as a positive step towards implementing the law. It is crucial to note that this ban not only impacts tobacco manufacturers, but also poses a risk to sports federations, television companies, and other media outlets that rely on advertising revenues. Nova TV has raised concerns about the law being adopted without sufficient discussion and the potential economic consequences for media organizations. The primary objective of this legislation is to combat smoking addiction, which affects a significant portion of the population. Moving on to news from Armenia…

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.