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“United States Prepares Massive $1 Billion Military Assistance Package for Ukraine, Including New Uniforms and Advanced Weapons”

The United States is reportedly completing preparations for a military assistance package worth up to one billion dollars for Ukraine. Politico reports that the package includes agreements with American companies to produce new uniforms and military equipment, as well as the delivery of these supplies, which may take some time. It is expected that the announcement of this package will be made in the next few years. The US military is said to be ordering Patriot missile systems, drones, offensive weapons, anti-aircraft systems, and anti-aircraft missiles for Ukraine, amounting to one billion dollars for the new equipment valued at 61 million dollars.

Following the approval of these supplies, the United States has also announced non-repayable military aid to Ukraine worth one million dollars. US National Security Adviser John Bolton is anticipated to provide more details about the new package in a meeting with Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Secretary on Friday. Reuters subsequently confirmed this information through its own anonymous source.

In addition to the types of uniforms and military clothing mentioned by Politico, Ukraine will also receive assault rifles, sniper rifles, military vehicles, and reliable civilian control systems for the newly ordered equipment. These details were disclosed by a representative of the operation.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.