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“Governor Hayk Galumyan’s Persuasive Visit to Villagers Hits Roadblock”

The governor of Tavush, Hayk Galumyan, is currently visiting the region in an effort to engage with the villagers and persuade them to reopen a road that has been blocked. However, the villagers are reluctant to comply with the governor’s request. Accompanying Galumyan on his visit is Bagrat Srabazan, the head of the Tavush theme. The villagers have taken action by blocking one of the machines attempting to pass through the road and are demanding that the occupants of the machine exit. They argue that the individuals inside the machine are responsible for conducting cartographic work.

These developments in Tavush as reported by highlight the challenges faced by the governor and the villagers in reaching a resolution regarding the road closure. Galumyan’s visit aims to facilitate communication and understanding, but the villagers’ hesitancy reflects their concerns and demands for transparency and accountability.