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“Firefighters Injured and Fatigued, Risking Their Lives to Battle Spread of Fire: Exclusive Interview Reveals Concerns among Volunteers”

Yesterday, a fire broke out in several locations, and efforts were made to extinguish it and prevent further spread. Garunik Daniele, the spokesman for the YSU “Armenia” group, shared some updates in an interview with today, April 26th.

Daniele mentioned that firefighting works were not conducted in Kirovakan yesterday. However, in the Berkbey area, firefighters were deployed, and unfortunately, one firefighter got injured. The good news is that the injured firefighter’s condition is stable, and his life is not in danger.

There have been reports of volunteers who are involved in firefighting feeling exhausted and considering quitting their work. In response, Daniele expressed that they have addressed this concern by meeting with the volunteers and discussing the situation. Many employees expressed their reluctance to continue this dangerous work. It is evident that people acknowledge the risks involved in firefighting, which puts them in harm’s way. Additionally, there is concern about potential retaliation from the perpetrators once they are identified and dealt with.

These are the latest updates from Armenia regarding the ongoing firefighting efforts.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.