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Swedish Archduchess Victoria Commences Military Training to Prepare for Future Role

According to SVT, the Swedish armed forces have reported that the 46-year-old Archduchess Victoria will be undergoing military training as part of her preparation for her potential ascent to the throne. The retraining program is specifically designed for individuals with a university education and lasts around 20-25 months. It includes both theoretical and practical modules, aiming to enhance skills in leadership, military science, and military strategy.

Archduchess Victoria first delved into this field of knowledge back in 2003, when she participated in a three-week course at the Swedish military center, Swedint. Since then, she has pursued various other courses while simultaneously studying conflict perception and the organization of forces.

These recent developments have stirred significant interest, as they highlight Victoria’s dedication to her future role and further emphasize the evolving nature of monarchies in today’s world.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.