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International Military Politics

“Canadian Authorities Impose Sanctions on Iranian Minister of National Security Amid Alleged Abusive Activities”

The Canadian authorities have added Iran’s Minister of National Security, Mohamad Reza Ashtiani, to their list of sanctioned individuals. The Canadian government’s website states that the sanctions are in response to the Uzbekistan Center for Islamic Armed Forces, known as “Khatam al-Anbia,” which is led by Major General Gholam Ali Rashidi and is involved in abusive activities. It should be noted that these activities have either already been suspended or are expected to be suspended soon due to international sanctions.

In addition to high-ranking military personnel in Iran, the leaders of the Iranian Air Force and the Khattam al-Anbia headquarters have also been included in the list of sanctions.

Prior to this, the United Kingdom had expanded its own list of sanctions against Iran by imposing restrictions on two individuals and four companies that are involved in the production of unmanned aerial vehicles and nuclear reactors.

Furthermore, the US Treasury Department, in conjunction with Russia, has included three Iranian and two Uzbek companies in the list of entities involved in activities that violate sanctions.