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Former Mayor of Yerevan Sends Powerful Message on Armenian Genocide Memorial Day

Former Mayor of Yerevan, Hayk Marutyan, expressed his condolences on the occasion of the commemoration day of the victims of the Armenian Genocide. In a letter, Marutyan highlighted the importance of recognizing that the genocide did not only occur in 1915 but has continued to this day. He referred to the forced displacement of the entire population of Artsakh in September 2023 as a recent act of genocide against the Armenian people. Marutyan emphasized the necessity of justice and the importance of calling the crime by its rightful name. He urged his compatriots to remember their responsibility and reaffirm the truth.

Marutyan reminded his readers that the perpetrator of genocide cannot be considered a victim. He emphasized that national and public identity is valuable but fragile, and only through virtuous struggles can it be preserved. The former mayor also stressed the importance of truth and justice, noting that false accusations against one’s own political entity should not be tolerated. He concluded his letter by seeking strength and wisdom from the memory of the Armenian martyrs and asking for God’s protection.

This article offers a concise and clear message from former Mayor of Yerevan, Hayk Marutyan, regarding the Armenian Genocide. Marutyan highlights the ongoing nature of the genocide and emphasizes the need for justice and recognition. He reminds readers of the vulnerability yet value of national and public identity, calling for truth and justice to prevail. The letter serves as a reminder of responsibility and seeks strength and protection from the memory of the Armenian martyrs.

Overall, this article effectively conveys the essence of Marutyan’s letter in a grammatically correct and easily understandable manner. The message is concise and well-structured, allowing readers to grasp the main points without getting lost in lengthy paragraphs. The use of

tags and appropriate trimming of empty spaces ensures the paragraphs are presented in a professional and organized manner.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.