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ARAR Educational Research Center Announces Research Competition on Integrated Security System Implementation in Armenia: Analyzing the Effectiveness of National Defense Measures

The “ARAR” Educational Research Center, which focuses on Armenia’s national security challenges, has recently announced a research competition with the theme “Integrated Security and Security System Implementation Tools in Armenia.” The competition aims to provide funding for studies that analyze the effectiveness of implementing the security system in Armenia. The main areas of examination include assessing the implementation of the security system, considering local conditions, and exploring the application of the integrated security and security model in Armenia. Ultimately, the competition seeks to delve into various aspects of national security, such as defense policy, territorial protection, mobilization mechanisms, and military capabilities.

Integrated security entails a comprehensive approach to national defense that extends beyond military aspects and encompasses all of society, including government institutions, businesses, and individual citizens. This model has already been successfully implemented in various countries, including Israel, Finland, Estonia, Singapore, Austria, amongst others.

The research competition is open to research organizations, expert groups, and independent researchers who possess expertise and experience in analyzing security and defense issues. Participants are encouraged to submit their proposals and contribute to the understanding and improvement of Armenia’s security and defense system.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.