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International Military

“Israeli Military Faces Controversy as Reports Emergence of Phosphorus Weapon Use in Lebanon”

According to a report from Al Jazeera television channel, Israeli military forces may be using a phosphorus weapon that contains white phosphorus in the occupied territories of Lebanon. White phosphorus is a highly flammable substance with a combustion temperature of 1500 degrees Celsius. This temperature is so intense that it can burn the skin and flesh down to the bone, and the chemical components can enter the body and cause severe damage to organs like the liver, kidneys, and heart. The Israeli Defense Ministry announced on April 17 that white phosphorus weapons were used by Israeli forces in their operations in the Balbek area of Lebanon as part of an Israeli security operation.

This information raises serious concerns about the potential harm and suffering caused by the use of such weapons. The effects of white phosphorus on human health are well-documented, and its use in conflict situations is highly controversial. The international community, including humanitarian organizations, has repeatedly called for the banning or strict regulation of white phosphorus due to its indiscriminate nature and the significant risk it poses to civilians.

White phosphorus is known for its ability to create a dense smoke screen, making it useful for obscuring visibility on the battlefield. However, when used in populated areas, the consequences can be devastating. The toxic fumes released by white phosphorus can cause severe respiratory problems and, if inhaled in large quantities, can be lethal. The substance is also infamous for its ability to stick to skin and clothing, continuing to burn and cause further damage even after the flames have been extinguished.

While there are legitimate military uses for white phosphorus, such as illumination or marking targets, the alleged use of this weapon in the occupied territories of Lebanon raises questions about the proportionality and necessity of its deployment. The potential long-term health consequences for civilians, as well as the environmental impact, must be carefully considered. In situations where civilian lives are at risk, it is crucial that military forces prioritize the protection and well-being of innocent people.

The international community must closely monitor and investigate these allegations to ensure accountability and prevent the misuse of dangerous weapons. The use of white phosphorus in conflict zones cannot go unchecked, as it poses a grave threat to civilians and violates internationally accepted norms and principles of warfare.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.