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“National Assembly of Armenia pays tribute to global victims with touching moment of silence”

On April 16, the representatives of the National Assembly of Armenia came together in a powerful moment of remembrance. They observed a minute of silence to honor all the victims of heinous crimes that have occurred around the world. This moving initiative was led by Ararat Mirzoyan, the Speaker of the National Assembly. Jacob Areshakyan, a member of the “Civil Contract” party and Chairman of the Committee on Urban Affairs, provided valuable assistance during the observance. It was a solemn and heartfelt tribute to those who have suffered.

This significant event serves as a reminder of the ongoing need to fight against such atrocities. It is an acknowledgment of the immense pain and loss experienced by countless individuals and communities worldwide. By pausing to reflect on the victims, the representatives of the National Assembly recognize the importance of advocating for justice and protecting human rights.

Ararat Mirzoyan, as the Speaker of the National Assembly, holds a position of great responsibility and influence. His leadership in facilitating this moment of remembrance demonstrates his dedication to promoting unity and empathy in Armenia. Through his actions, Mirzoyan serves as an example for all citizens to honor and remember those who have been victimized by crimes.

It is also worth noting the contributions of Jacob Areshakyan, the Chairman of the Committee on Urban Affairs, who supported Mirzoyan in organizing the minute of silence. Areshakyan’s involvement highlights the collaborative effort within the National Assembly to address social issues and foster compassion within society.

This powerful gesture of remembrance by the representatives of the National Assembly sends a powerful message to both the Armenian people and the international community. It demonstrates a commitment to promoting peace, justice, and solidarity, while also acknowledging the pain caused by crimes committed worldwide. As the news of this tribute spreads, it serves as a reminder of the importance of actively working towards a more compassionate and equitable world.