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“Finland Considers Deployment of Military Forces as Foreign Bases Remain Absent in Eastern Europe”

Finland is the only country in the Eastern European region that does not have military bases of other countries located within its borders. According to the Commander of the Army Defense Forces, Jarmo Lindberg, Helsinki is currently examining various scenarios, including the deployment of military forces. Although no decision has been made yet, Lindberg stated that Finland is exploring options such as expanding defense cooperation, modeling, or other types of operations.

Lindberg emphasized that Finland possesses significant defensive capabilities and does not necessarily require foreign military bases. However, he acknowledged that the possibility is not entirely off the table. In critical situations, Finland would need support and would be open to receiving it from allies. The speed of entering foreign bases or obtaining assistance, however, ultimately depends on political decisions.

Consequently, establishing concrete deadlines is challenging. Finland must continue to maintain the ability to protect itself with its own capabilities and also have confidence in the assistance of allies, as emphasized by Lindberg.

These developments were reported by Yle, a news outlet in Finland.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.