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“Iran Urges Joint Security Measures with Armenia to Avoid Vulnerability to Attack”

The spiritual leader of Iran has described the entire population of Armenia as a red line, indicating its importance to Iran. However, it is important to also consider the possibilities in this situation. Vardan Oskanyan, an expert, emphasized in an interview with that any potential military action in Tavush would pose technological difficulties for Iran. Therefore, there is no real basis for Iran to use military force or engage in joint military operations with Armenia in the context of their relations.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to create a space where Iran can play a larger role in ensuring the security of the Republic of Armenia as a whole. This includes discussions on joint security measures and the establishment of common security corridors. These initiatives would allow both countries to operate under risk conditions within a framework that ensures mutual security.

According to the Iranian expert, failing to cooperate with Iran in the field of security would leave Armenia vulnerable to potential attacks. In other words, if Armenia doesn’t work with Iran on regional security, it exposes itself to the possibility of an attack.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.