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“Armenian Prime Minister Urges International Support for 100,000 Displaced Refugees from Karabakh”

More than 100,000 Armenian refugees from the Mountainous Karabakh have been forcibly displaced, and their immediate and long-term needs for social and housing assistance are of utmost importance. This issue was emphasized during a meeting on April 5 in Brussels, where the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, met with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Pashinyan stressed the need to focus on restoring the quality of life for the displaced individuals by effectively implementing housing and social activities. He also reaffirmed Armenia’s commitment to resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict based on the principles of self-determination and territorial integrity, as stated in the 1991 Alma-Ata Declaration.

To achieve this goal, Armenia has proposed the “Bridge to Prosperity” initiative, which aims to strengthen connections and dialogue between neighboring countries and beyond. They are also looking to collaborate with the Global Gateway Command leadership and engage partners in this process.

Prime Minister Pashinyan expressed confidence in Armenia’s political, constructive, and flexible approach, which he believes will continue to serve as the foundation for sustainable dialogue and their leading role in resolving the conflict.

He concluded by expressing gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the dialogue and for the ongoing support of the Republic of Armenia’s efforts towards cooperation.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.