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Crime Investigations Local News

Mysterious Masked Man Attempts Robbery at Armenian Post, Investigation Underway

The RA NSS received information that on April 3, 2024, an unknown person wearing a mask and armed entered the postal division (Armenian Post 0039) located at Bagratunyats 7 and demanded money. The incident was reported to the RA investigative committee.

The RA investigative committee’s Shengavit District investigative department has started investigating the crime in connection with case number 44-252, sections 2 and 5 of the 2nd and 1st articles of case number 335.

The scene of the incident was examined, evidence was found, and recordings of the surveillance cameras during the relevant period were obtained, which showed the movement of the devices that record the area.

The employees of the Armenian Post CJSC branch and more than ten other individuals involved in the incident have been questioned. Proof of receipt has revealed that on April 3, around 09:10, a person between the ages of 25 and 30, wearing a hat, sunglasses, a medical mask, and gloves, entered the Armenian Post CJSC branch located at Bagratunyats 7 in Yerevan. Using the threat of a weapon, they demanded money at the “0039” branch of the Armenian Post CJSC. However, as there was no money in the cash register, they left without achieving their intended goal.

As a result of the investigative and operational measures taken, information has been obtained regarding the movements of the individual involved in the crime. Attempts to identify the suspect have been made.

All necessary measures are being taken to clarify the circumstances of the incident and to bring the perpetrator to justice, as announced by the RA NSS.

Notification: Interfering with the investigation without justification is considered a violation according to the regulations of the RA criminal code.

News from Armenia –

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