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“New Regulations Aim to Compensate Daily Civilian Casualties: Armenia Takes Steps to Ensure Accountability”

Under a new decision aimed at organizing the activities of the state compensation commission, daily civilian casualties will now be compensated. This means that individuals who suffer harm as a result of violations will have the opportunity to seek compensation. The decision also grants the official responsible for conducting investigations the power to suspend or terminate the activities of the compensation commission.

According to a report by, there are plans to establish new standards that would allow for the preliminary examination of draft normative acts related to state compensation authorities. This proposal was made by Tatyevik Sargsyan, the Minister of Regional Administration, Local Self-Government, Rural Development, and Civil Defense, during a meeting of the ad hoc committee on April 2. The meeting focused on discussing amendments and additions to the laws on “Compensation for Property Damage” and “Civil Liability for the Actions of Officials” in Armenia.

During the meeting, Deputy Mikaelyan Tumasyan raised requests and proposals to improve the work of the state compensation authorities. He emphasized the importance of having effective training programs and methods to develop potential specialists. Tumasyan advocated for ensuring that qualified individuals are in place to handle the responsibilities of the commission.

Minister Tatyevik Sargsyan clarified that the draft laws would not only be subject to public discussion but also regional discussions. These discussions would take place in rural communities and regional centers, making the separation of programs and the discussion on amendments more flexible. This approach aims to involve a broader range of stakeholders and ensure a comprehensive evaluation of proposed changes.

The increase in daily civilian casualties has resulted in a rise in the number of claims received by the commission. This highlights the urgent need for a system that provides compensation to individuals who have suffered harm due to violations. The proposed amendments and discussions surrounding the state compensation authorities in Armenia demonstrate a commitment to improving the process and ensuring that affected individuals receive appropriate support.


Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.