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“Armenian Apostolic Church of Artsakh: A Welcoming Journey to the Holy Sepulchre of Jesus Christ”

The theme of the Armenian Apostolic Church of Artsakh has been described as a welcoming visit to the Holy Sepulchre of Jesus Christ. The church conveys heartfelt greetings on behalf of our Savior Jesus Christ’s Resurrection, proclaiming the joyful cry, “Christ has risen from the dead!” The Holy Sepulchre serves as a reminder that we can overcome hardships, trials, and sufferings, and achieve the most desirable and ultimate good. Rather than view the path of difficulties as punishment, it should be seen as an opportunity for testing and growth. Additionally, the restoration of ancestral Artsakh can lead to tranquillity through peaceful resolution, not force or violence. We pray for the well-being of individual and national life, that the Lord’s light fills our souls with unwavering strength against evil and the power of death.

News from Armenia.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.