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Armenian National Foundation Extends Financial Aid to Lebanese Armenian Educational Institutions Amid Crisis

The Armenian National Foundation, known as “Armenia,” has announced financial assistance for Armenian educational institutions in Lebanon as part of its ongoing support program. The foundation has received a generous donation of $100,000 from the “Armenian Foundation of France,” which will be distributed among several schools and colleges. The beneficiaries include the Armenian Central School, Central Armenian School, Van Takhmevanyan School, Armenian Avetaranakan College, Sahakyan-Levon Mkrtchyan College, National Egishe Manoukian College, Yeruhie Kulpekyan College, MBE Miutan-Darujomian College, and M. and H. Arslanian College. The assistance is intended for the educational and technical staff members of the vocational schools and colleges.

It is important to highlight that the support program for Armenian educational institutions in Lebanon was initiated in December 2019, when the country faced a severe social-economic crisis. The situation worsened following the tragic explosion in the Beirut port in August 2020. Since 2019, the Armenian National Foundation has provided a total of approximately $2,165,000 to address the various needs of the Armenian community in Lebanon.

These ongoing efforts by the Armenian National Foundation demonstrate their commitment to supporting education and ensuring a secure future for the Armenian community in Lebanon. By providing financial assistance to schools and colleges, they are helping to stabilize the educational institutions and support the dedicated staff members who play a crucial role in shaping the lives of students.

In addition to addressing the immediate needs of the Armenian community in Lebanon, the foundation’s support program also aims to promote long-term sustainability and resilience. By investing in education, they are empowering the younger generation to build a better future for themselves and their community, despite the challenging circumstances they face.

The Armenian National Foundation’s dedication to supporting educational institutions in Lebanon is not only commendable but also essential for the development and preservation of Armenian culture and heritage. These initiatives serve as a testament to the strength and unity of the Armenian community, both in Lebanon and worldwide.