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“Despite Criticism, Bundestag Enacts Mandatory Mask Usage: Angela Merkel Makes the Final Call”

Despite criticism from various embassies and representatives of the medical community in Germany, the Bundestag has implemented the mandatory usage of masks and disinfection as previously approved. German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, made this announcement regarding the decision. The discussion on implementing the mandatory mask usage took place in the German Parliament’s Health Committee and was initiated by them. However, due to the inability to reach a necessary consensus on the matter, Merkel stated that the implementation discussion has been postponed. Thus, the mandatory mask usage will remain in effect from April 1st onwards.

Prior to the discussion, Karl Lauterbach, the head of the German Federal Health Ministry, expressed concerns about the potential consequences if the new regulation was not accepted. He mentioned that it would be a “difficult day for the dark market.” Several representatives from the medical community have also voiced their support for the mandatory mask usage. For instance, Judith Gerlach, the head of the Bavarian State Ministry of Health, debunked the theory of masks being inefficient and emphasized their effectiveness on the dark market. She further explained that the demand for masks makes it difficult to provide them, and consequently, the black market for disinfectants will thrive.

These developments in Germany have garnered attention both domestically and internationally. People are curious to see how the implementation of mandatory mask usage and disinfection will fare in practice. As the situation continues to evolve, it is crucial to stay informed about the latest updates from Germany and other countries around the world.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.