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Residents of Tavush Region Prepare for Self-Defense Against Possible Azerbaijan Invasion, Government Unyielding

Residents of the villages of Voskepar and Baghanis, November, and Voskevan in the Tavush region are making preparations to close the roads and organize self-defense in case of an invasion by Azerbaijan, as announced by Nikol Pashinyan during a meeting with the residents. Nver Beglaryan, the headmaster of Voskepar school, spoke to about their decision.

“We have decided to organize self-defense in order to prevent Nikol’s decision to close the roads and start a war with Azerbaijan, as it poses significant dangers. During the meeting, residents raised concerns, emphasizing that this is not just about the closure of a road between Armenia and Georgia, but also about the security of Voskepar and several other villages. In response, Pashinyan stated that if we speak out, we will face aggression from Azerbaijan, with the possibility of Turkey also attacking us,” he explained.

Beglaryan highlighted that residents have conveyed their concerns to Pashinyan about the risks associated with his decision, with many villagers considering leaving the area. “However, people gathered outside and engaged in a heated discussion where they expressed their opinions. Amidst this chaos, some information was leaked on social media,” he added.

The headmaster also emphasized the strategic importance of these territories for Armenia, stating that if they are violated, restoration would be impossible.

Residents have proposed alternative solutions and changing routes, but Pashinyan has remained unresponsive. “The issue at hand is the survival of our village. Azerbaijan’s goal is not limited to capturing a few villages, but it extends to capturing six provinces of Armenia – Tavush, Lori, Gegharkunik, Syunik, Vayots Dzor, and Ararat. In other words, Armenia would lose a territory of 10,000 square kilometers,” he concluded.


Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.