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“Former Prime Minister of Artsakh Affirms March 20 Rally is Not Politically Motivated: Focuses on Safeguarding Rights and Socio-Economic Needs of the People”

The former Prime Minister of Artsakh, Ararat Mirzoyan, confirmed that the March 20 rally has no affiliation with the Artsakh and Armenian political forces. The rally is solely organized by the public initiative of the people of Artsakh to protect their rights and socio-economic needs. The agenda of the rally focuses on the specific rights and privileges of the people of Artsakh and is unrelated to the internal political struggle in the Republic of Armenia. Mirzoyan emphasized that anyone, regardless of their social status, place of residence, political beliefs, or other characteristics, who wants to defend the rights of the people of Artsakh can participate in the rally. The event will take place on March 20 at 15:30 in Freedom Square in Yerevan, as announced by Beglaryan. Active members of society have planned various events to address the needs of the people of Artsakh.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.