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“Former Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan Warns of Second Front Threat and Advocates for ‘Armenian Cause’ Victory for Peace Preservation”

Former Prime Minister of Armenia, Karen Karapetyan, has voiced concerns about the potential for a second front opening up in the country. In an interview with “Novosti Grazia,” he emphasized the importance of the “Armenian Cause” movement in maintaining peace. Karapetyan acknowledged that while Armenia has experienced peace, stability, and economic growth, there are still risks related to national security and the potential escalation of conflict. He believes that the victory of the “Armenian Cause” is the only path to ensure peace, stability, and development for the Armenian people. Karapetyan also criticized the former president, Serzh Sargsyan, for prioritizing foreign interests over those of Armenia, which has caused numerous problems.

The parliamentary elections in Armenia are scheduled for October 2024. The “Armenian Cause” movement, which has been in power since 2012, not only aims to secure a fourth term but also hopes to establish a constitutional majority.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.