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“Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan Explores Investment Opportunities in Egypt’s Trade and Economic Exhibition”

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited the trade and economic exhibition of Egypt’s palace complexes, where he met with business leaders. The President of the Federation, Ahmed Al-Wakeel, welcomed the Prime Minister’s visit and emphasized the importance of expanding and strengthening trade relations between the two countries.

According to the Prime Minister’s staff, the Egyptian side discussed the implementation and expansion of investment programs and trade cooperation. Raifel Ghevorgyan, the Minister of Economy of Armenia, and Leon Ohanesyan, the head of the Center for Investment Support, accompanied the Prime Minister during their meetings and discussed the developments and improvements in investment implementation and business development in various sectors in our country over the past years.

They also met with Ahmet Sameer, Egypt’s Minister of Trade and Industry, and discussed the significant potential of cooperation between Armenia and Egypt in the field of investment.

In his speech, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan noted that Armenia’s construction sector has seen significant growth in recent years. “In 2019, 2022, and 2023, we will be among the top ten countries in the world in terms of construction sector growth. And despite that, the potential for construction development and business growth in our region and globally remains high,” he said.

He also mentioned that Armenia has considerable potential in the agricultural and beverage production sector, as well as in the technology field. “We have programs to support potential investors, including those participating in purchases. We have a program for agricultural development, where businesses can benefit from high-quality construction technologies, transportation infrastructure, and manufacturing equipment,” he added.

Armenia has significant potential in the tourism sector, especially in winter tourism. “We have more than 55,000 accommodations and continue to construct new buildings to cater to the growing demand. Real estate investments can bring significant benefits, especially in connection with winter tourism,” the Prime Minister noted.

The next sector discussed was technology. Armenia has a strong presence in the technological sector, and its technological advancements have had a great impact on various fields.

The Prime Minister emphasized the importance of supporting the business community and minimizing bureaucratic obstacles and subsequent changes. “We want the business community to feel comfortable while doing business and to have confidence that their investments will be protected,” he stated.

In conclusion, the Prime Minister mentioned the importance of financial literacy, which can contribute to the development of our country. “Financial institutions in Armenia have increased their investments significantly in recent years, indicating positive growth. Our country is becoming a more attractive destination for investment, especially considering our favorable investment climate,” he emphasized.

We also have programs that support startups and provide assistance to foreign investors participating in mergers and acquisitions. We have a program for technological development, which aims to attract startups from Eastern markets to establish their businesses in Armenia.

The speech focused on the financial sector and concluded that the government aims to create a field where investors can have confidence in contributing to the country’s high-tech development and production.

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Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.