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Government Opinion Politics

“Armenia without the Armenian: The Complex Dilemma of National Identity and Governance”

In an article by Vahé Hovhannisyan, a member of the “Alternative Projects” group, he discusses the recurring issue of “Armenia without the Armenian” throughout history. Despite attempts to distance ourselves from Armenia, we always end up facing this reality. Hovhannisyan highlights the contradiction of wanting a government without certain groups, such as Turks or Russians, but ultimately resulting in a lack of true governance. This failure stems from a lack of analysis regarding the slogan “Armenia without Turks” and the complex nature of the region. The article emphasizes the need for self-reflection and the establishment of a competent government to address these challenges.

The current political situation in Armenia lacks effective leadership, with neither the power of the people nor a civil reign present. However, Hovhannisyan notes that the desire for proper governance still exists among the population. The article also explores the difficulties faced during the Karabakh conflict, where the Armenian political mindset failed to go beyond Aliev’s conditions. This resulted in a vacant Karabakh and an ineffective Adzheran road, while the true path forward remains uncertain. The article calls for introspection and unity amongst the Armenian people in order to overcome these challenges.

Hovhannisyan predicts that Armenia will continue to face historical challenges unless it confronts the reasons behind its neglect, national thinking, and perceptions of the state and the world. Establishing a strong and timely government that understands the significance of its role is crucial for the country’s success. The article concludes with a promise to explore how these government formations can be established in future discussions.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.