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“Mine Accident Causes Injuries and Section Collapse During Construction Works by “Volia Jur” Company at Minek-Mashdots-Poghotsa Mine”

During the construction works conducted by “Volia Jur” company, a mine accident occurred which resulted in two workers getting injured. This accident caused a section of the mine shaft at the Minek-Mashdots-Poghotsa mine to collapse, as well as affecting nearby areas at 15:20.

According to the “Armenian Electric Networks” company, they have informed that they have resumed the electrification of certain addresses using alternative funding. However, they are still unable to fully restore the electrification.

“The company is seeking understanding and patience from its customers and assures them that every effort is being made to restore electrification to all addresses as soon as possible,” stated the company.

News from Armenia –

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.