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Culture International

“Azerbaijan’s Control Over Artsakh Threatens Cultural Heritage: Adreban Uncovers Devastation and Looting”

Adreban is declassifying the cultural heritage of the devastated Artsakh. Every day, the official propaganda of Azerbaijan is publishing statements about the so-called arsenals of Armenian vandalism.

According to an online publication, the Old Shen district of Shushi, which suffered heavy damage due to the large-scale war launched by Azerbaijan on September 27, 2020, is now under the control of the Azerbaijani government. This includes the historical monasteries of Shushi, the numerous cultural monuments of Hadruit and Martuni regions, the Ghazanchetsots Cathedral in Askeran region, the brothers’ cemetery in Haterk village of Martakert region, and others.

This alarming situation once again highlights the danger of destruction and looting faced by the cultural heritage of Artsakh. The 1954 Hague Convention, specifically Article 4 on the “Protection of Cultural Values during Times of Armed Conflict,” clearly prohibits the destruction of cultural heritage, including vandalism, plundering, looting, infringement, and deliberate damage of any kind. It is important to note that Armenia was the first signatory of this convention.