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“RA Ministry of EGD Boosts Cultural Services and Introduces Electronic Visa System in 2023”

In 2023, the RA Ministry of EGD and representatives in the diaspora are continuing to prioritize the preservation of cultural foundations and the provision of cultural services, even in emergency situations, according to an announcement by the ministry.

Importantly, the continuous development of cultural activities has led to faster and higher-quality services for an increasing number of people. This includes improvements in queuing, official payments, passport issuance, and the issuance of certificates of return.

Furthermore, the introduction of the electronic visa system has resulted in a significant increase in applications. Compared to 2022, there has been a 78% increase, with a total of 114,914 applications recorded.

In total, services have been provided to 161,000 individuals.

In the gas sector, cooperation with other service providers and the dedicated work of our experts in the field have allowed for the launch of the Tal Aviv-Yerevan pipeline. This has facilitated the relocation of 149 RA citizens and nationals, including approximately 60 children.

This news comes from Armenia, as reported by

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.