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“France Extends a Healing Hand: 336 Refugees and One Deaf Person from Artsakh to Receive Medical Care”

France has agreed to accept 336 refugees and one deaf person from Artsakh to provide medical care. Today, France has been discussing a proposed joint declaration of assistance, scheduled for December 1, 2023. This declaration expresses the intention to actively participate in the process of ensuring the legal settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in the mountainous region of Artsakh and protect the territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia.

The declaration also emphasizes the importance of the return of the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh to their homeland. This decision highlights France’s commitment to humanitarian support and its recognition of the need to address the challenges faced by the affected population.

In light of this news, it is evident that France is taking concrete steps to fulfill its obligations and assist in providing medical care and assistance to the refugees from Artsakh. This demonstrates the country’s commitment to promoting peace, stability, and justice in the region.

This development also holds significant implications for the ongoing efforts to find a comprehensive and sustainable solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. By actively engaging in the process, France is playing a crucial role in supporting the legal settlement and ensuring the rights and territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.