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“National Assembly Continues Agenda with Amendments to Military Service Law and Civil Conscription Agreement Draft”

The National Assembly of January 16 concluded with the continuation of the previous day’s agenda. Amendments and changes were made to the “Law on Military Service and the Status of Servicemen,” as well as to the provisions of the constitution of the Republic of Armenia concerning the “Civil Conscription Agreement” draft. Armenian Sarkisyan, a member of the “Civil Conscription Agreement” committee, presented key foundations for discussion. One provision states that individuals who have served for 27 years or more, and have been exempted from compulsory military service, will have the option to serve in the country through unpaid work or by paying a fee. Those unable or unwilling to serve will be required to pay 15 million drams. If a citizen has served for two years, they will be exempt from paying the fee.

According to Armenian Sarkisyan, those who refuse or cannot serve will be forced to pay 15 million drams, as per former President Robert Kocharyan’s decision in 2004, or 15 times more, as suggested by Sarkisyan himself.

The second foundation of the draft resolves the issue of providing military service to individuals who have not completed the mandatory 27-year service. Many citizens fall under this category. Armenian Sarkisyan believes that after reaching the age of 27, all individuals with overwhelming evidence will be able to serve in the country and be exempt from compulsory military service.

“If the draft is accepted, individuals will have the option to continue serving voluntarily or by paying a fee,” stated Sarkisyan. He also calls for a review of all previously accepted provisions related to national defense.

According to draft regulations, individuals exempted from national defense and those who have appealed and received exemption for 27 years will not be required to serve. However, there are cases where individuals serve in other countries for 12 or 18 months, even if they are eligible for Armenian national defense based on age. After 18 years of service, they will face conscription within the Republic of Armenia.

“I believe that this issue should be resolved within our legal frameworks, and I suggest that this category be exempted from compulsory military service in the Republic of Armenia,” stated Torosyan, highlighting the many people facing similar situations.

Source: News from Armenia –