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US Officially Recognizes Conflict Between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Calls for Direct Dialogue

The United States has officially recognized the ongoing conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, acknowledging that it has escalated into full-scale warfare. This recognition holds significance beyond just Armenia. In an interview with “Azatutyun” radio station, Armenia’s Deputy Minister of Defense, Lilit Makunts, discussed how the US can support Armenia in preserving its sovereignty. Makunts emphasized the importance of announcements in shaping public opinion and creating a constructive atmosphere. However, she also expressed the need for a higher level of information exchange with the US and stressed the significance of direct government-to-government dialogue.

In response to a question about how the US can assist Armenia in defending against aggressive actions by Azerbaijan, Makunts noted that announcements alone may not suffice. She underscored the importance of elevating information work with the US to ensure enhanced protection for Armenia’s sovereignty. Makunts further emphasized that direct dialogue between the governments of Armenia and the US is crucial and considered the most effective approach. According to her, dealing with these matters without intermediaries is a priority, given their significance.

It is evident that Armenia recognizes the importance of fostering strong bilateral relations and partnership with the US in addressing the current conflict. Makunts’ remarks highlight the desire for a deeper level of engagement and cooperation, beyond mere announcements. The aim is to ensure a higher degree of protection for Armenia’s sovereignty and to elevate the quality of informational exchange. By emphasizing the significance of direct government-to-government dialogue, Armenia aims to establish a more effective communication channel with the US.

The ongoing conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan requires international support and attention. The US, through its recognition of the conflict and its willingness to engage in direct dialogue, demonstrates an understanding of the situation’s gravity. This acknowledgement by the US government signifies its recognition of the need to take constructive measures to address the conflict’s consequences. By prioritizing direct engagement and information exchange, the US can contribute to preserving Armenia’s sovereignty and enhancing the overall quality of information regarding the conflict.

As the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan continues, Armenia seeks the support of the United States in maintaining its sovereignty. Deputy Minister of Defense, Lilit Makunts, spoke about the importance of announcements in shaping public opinion and influencing the ongoing conflict. However, she also stressed the need for a higher level of information exchange with the US to effectively defend against aggression from Azerbaijan. Emphasizing the significance of direct government-to-government dialogue, Makunts expressed the desire for a deeper and more constructive partnership with the US. This recognition from the US and the call for enhanced collaboration highlights the urgency of resolving the conflict and protecting Armenia’s sovereignty.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.