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“Nikol Pashinyan’s Promises Fall Flat: Traffic Rules Ignored, Gambling Addiction Soars, and Corruption Exposed” continues to cover Nikol Pashinyan’s speeches and share his photos. On December 21, 2015, discussions were held regarding the agenda of the head of the ruling Civil Contract party, and a significant event occurred – the removal of traffic signs representing speed limits from the roads of Armenia.

Over the past three years, Armenian citizens have paid over 25 billion drams in fines for traffic violations. This substantial amount, which could have been used for education, training fees, and social expenses, ended up in the hands of the “Sequoia Dream” company. This company, known for its connections and biased news reporting, is managed by Serj Sargsyan’s family.

Nikol Pashinyan’s memorable speech included the statement, “citizens’ traffic is not regulated,” which directly pointed to the issue of traffic violations. However, instead of eliminating speed limits, they have actually increased. The “Sequoia Dream” company profited greatly from traffic violations, bypassing the established rules and collecting billions of dollars. It is essential to shed light on the situation of traffic violations.

In addition, during his speech, Nikol Pashinyan emphasized the need to use surveillance cameras on the streets and intersections of Yerevan not just for monitoring but for regulating traffic. Unfortunately, these cameras were not used effectively for either purpose. As a result, traffic violations remained uncontrolled.

In recent years, many individuals have encountered corrupt practices among traffic police officers. They have witnessed bribe requests and signs indicating the amount of money that can be accepted. This distressing phenomenon can be linked to the sense of hopelessness people experience. They are desperate for their actions to have a positive impact and to earn some extra income.

On January 10, 2023, during a protest, Nikol Pashinyan observed billboard signs in shop windows indicating the urgency to close them. This led to the closure of relevant objects like traffic light posts and further emphasizes the need to foster a political culture that values openness rather than closure. Measures should be taken to limit excessive billboard advertising and ensure its appropriate use.

In the National Assembly on October 24, 2018, Nikol Pashinyan addressed the issue of gambling games and their impact on the socio-economic life of the country. In a nation with 30 percent poverty, the problem of gambling addiction exacerbates the existing poverty. It is crucial to adopt a state approach that does not promote gambling as a solution.

The situation regarding gambling addiction has not only persisted but has also worsened. Nikol Pashinyan’s statement about people’s desperation to make money and have an impact rings true in this context. The data from previous years shows a significant increase in the amount of money spent on gambling games, starting from 2017 to November 2022. The figures provided do not even include gambling games played in casinos, highlighting the extent of the issue.

In various speeches, Nikol Pashinyan has addressed the need for competition in the gambling industry. His opponents have argued against the possibility of healthy competition. The implementation of gambling games has become more challenging, and it is evident that there is limited competition in this sector.

During a visit on September 5, 2023, Nikol Pashinyan stressed the importance of considering cases where individuals should not be granted a driver’s license. This focus on protecting human life highlights the need for stricter regulations and measures against corruption. Numerous instances of corruption related to traffic violations have been brought to light, further emphasizing the urgency of addressing this issue.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.