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Around the Globle

“Rescue Service Warns of Closed and Difficult Roads in Armenia: Plan Your Routes Carefully!”

The rescue service has informed that there are closed and difficult-to-navigate roads in the Republic of Armenia. The M-6 highway, which connects Vanadzor-Alaverdi in the Lori region, is expected to be closed until February 15 for road repair works. These closed roads are specifically designed for loading and unloading buses and trucks, with or without trailers. The current alternative route will be through the city of Novembe.

Additionally, the road from Aragatsotn marz to the “Amberd” high-mountain meteorological station, leading towards Amberd fortress and Qari Lich Lake, is closed. The road from Jermuk health resort to “Zanger” is also closed for loading and unloading of trucks. Furthermore, the road from Kharibeg village to village Khachik in the M-2 highway is difficult to navigate.

Another challenging road is the Vardenyats pass, particularly for trucks that require loading and unloading. It is advised to use snow chains when necessary. Moreover, both the “Zanger” road in Sisian and the “Meghrusar” section of the Sisian-“Zanger” road are currently covered in ice.

In Syunik and Vayots Dzor marzes, the Vardenyats pass, Tigranashen Heights, Vardenis, Martuni, Jajur, and Dilijan cities, as well as the sections known as “Zanger” and “Meghrusar,” are experiencing snowy conditions. In Saravan, the road called “Zanger” and in Vardenis, the road in Jajur city are slippery.

According to information received from the RA Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Russian Interstate Aviation Committee, the Stepanakert-Lachin road is currently closed for the transportation of goods.

As a precaution, drivers are advised to exercise caution when driving in snowy weather conditions.

Source: News from Armenia –

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.