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“Museum Director Fights to Keep Armenian Church Open Despite Challenges”

The director of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin Museum and Archives, Asoghik Abegha Karapetyan, is signing a decree to temporarily close the church. She is doing everything she can to avoid the closure, as her life is dedicated to showcasing the Armenian world and its sacred land. In her own words, “Only in the Armenian world, where the Son of God, Jesus Christ, descended, illuminating Mother Etchmiadzin with His divine glory. It is a place of sanctity, power, and eternity.”

This profound truth encompasses and protects those who contribute to the Armenian world’s illumination and dominance through both visible and invisible miracles. However, there are always forces at work trying to bring visible and invisible disasters upon the Armenian Apostolic Church, which is the faithful and revered institution of Christ God.

Nevertheless, the Armenian Apostolic Church fights, thrives, and consistently emerges triumphant, safeguarding the national treasure and opening the gateway for God’s blessings upon the Armenian nation.

To the Armenian people, whether in Armenia or the diaspora, Asoghik Abegha Karapetyan implores unity and strength to fortify our Nation and the Republic of Armenia through sincere solidarity and patriotic resolve.

Her message concludes with the call to live as servants of our Holy Nation, guided by the light and love of Christ’s Holy Nativity.

This is the latest news from Armenia, as reported by

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