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“Venice Takes Action: New Regulation on Cruise Ship Groups to Preserve City’s Charm and Ecological Balance”

The authorities in Venice have recently approved a new measure aimed at regulating the activities of cruise ship groups, not only in the historic center of the city but also on the islands of Murano, Burano, and Torcello. These islands are known for their unique features, such as Murano’s glassblowing, Burano’s lace, and Torcello being the first inhabited island in the lagoon before the foundation of Venice. Under this new regulation, cruise ship groups will now be limited to a maximum of 25 people.

While the measure has gained initial approval, it is still pending final approval from the Council of Ministers. If approved, it will come into effect on June 1, 2024. The decision to regulate cruise ship groups is seen as a step towards better managing the flow of tourists and preserving the ecological balance of these areas. Additionally, there are plans to address the activities of cruise ship tour guides who exceed allowed noise levels.

Venice is a city that attracts a high number of visitors, making it necessary for authorities to tackle the issue of overtourism. One of the previous measures implemented was an “entry ticket” system for those arriving in the evening without spending the night in the city. The price of this ticket varied depending on the season, with different rates for the high and low seasons. However, the measure has yet to be enforced due to the decrease in tourist numbers during the pandemic. Now that tourism has returned to Italy, it is anticipated that the measure will be put back into effect.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.