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“Bargavaj Hayastan President Gagik Tsarukyan Sends Inspiring New Year’s Message of Hope and Renewal”

President Gagik Tsarukyan of the “Bargavaj Hayastan” organization has delivered a New Year’s message reflecting on the past year’s difficulties and achievements. He believes that 2023 will be remembered as a year of hope for the revival of Armenian Artsakh, burdened with the desires of the Armenian people. However, he acknowledges the lack of freedom to hope and dream openly. Tsarukyan emphasizes the importance of honoring the memory of the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the homeland and calls for daily efforts to make their memories the essence of life.

Tsarukyan expresses that peace and prosperity are the common desires and happiness of all Armenians. With collective strength and the support of fellow citizens, he believes it is possible to ensure the security and development of the country. To achieve this, the eradication of corruption and the establishment of justice and the rule of law are necessary.

The President highlights the plight of over a hundred thousand Armenians displaced from Artsakh who have sought aid in Armenia. He emphasizes the need to provide them with essential necessities and warmth, acknowledging their right to assistance.

Tsarukyan openly shares his personal aspirations as Gagik Tsarukyan. He aims to live and work for the benefit of his country, contributing to the creation of jobs and opportunities for his compatriots. With his resources, he strives to continue supporting those in need.

With confidence, Tsarukyan believes that these challenging times will strengthen the patriotism, unity, and determination of the Armenian nation. He extends heartfelt wishes of faith and hope, expressing confidence that they will overcome the increasing challenges and trials in the upcoming year, 2024.

In conclusion, President Gagik Tsarukyan congratulates everyone on the New Year and Holy Birth, wishing joy, peace, and prosperity for all. He concludes his message with a prayer for God’s protection on all individuals.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.