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“Yerevan City Council Meeting: Budget Approval and Development Program at Stake”

The Yerevan City Council meeting held today carries great significance, as it involves the approval of the 2024 budget proposal and a five-year program for community development by the Mayor of Yerevan. Failure to secure the Mayor’s approval may result in a court appeal. Under the “Law on Local Self-Government,” if the community budget is not endorsed, the community head can suspend the mayor’s powers through a judicial request. However, if the community head’s request for support from the mayor remains unanswered for three days, the decision will automatically be deemed approved. The issue of granting judicial authority to the community head for approving the development program lies within the mayor’s domain.

According to insider sources from the “National Progress” and “Mother Armenia” factions, an important decision regarding their participation in the meeting is expected to be made during today’s council session. These factions are believed to have preliminary intentions of supporting the decision through their votes. On the other hand, “Hanrayin Dzayne” faction has yet to formulate their stance on the matter and will attend the meeting to deliberate on their position.

It is crucial that the representatives reach a consensus, as the meeting requires a quorum to proceed. Failure to achieve a quorum will result in an adjournment, while the presence of at least one representative will ensure the approval of the development program and community project. The combination of “Yerevan City Partnership for Civil Agreement” and “Republic” coalition provides a total of 33 mandates, with three factions making up 34 mandates. However, due to quarantine measures, two members from the “National Voice” faction, Artak Galstyan and Tigran Uricanyan, are unable to participate in the meeting.

Given their majority, the “CP” and “Republic” factions will have the final say if a quorum is reached, consequently leading to the acceptance of all proposed projects, including the budget and development program. Other items on today’s agenda involve changes to local fees and rates, particularly an increase in the “red lines” value for central car parking in the capital, soaring from 12,000 to 160,000 drams. In addition, “Mother Armenia” faction has hinted at the possibility of organizing a protest against the government prior to the city council meeting, focusing on the issue of congestion.

Furthermore, “Zhoghovurd” newspaper has disclosed that there may be the presence of HAK Marukyan at the meeting. Marukyan, who has not yet decided whether to present a mandate, did not attend the recent city council meeting held in a new format.